Monday, August 29, 2011


The PERFECT SLIM Body Shaping Undergarment speaks for itself!
Once you try on this undergarment you will discover its beauty, it shapes up your body in just 5 minutes!

PERFECT SLIM undergarments have amazing effects on breast shaping and support, tummy and buttocks firming. These products have been through many years of research and development by a group of medical professionals and resulted in its undisputable quality and effectiveness.

PERFECT SLIM undergarment are made to effectively reshape your body to a well balanced body figure and improve health through a combination of the latest technology from Japan combined with theories of body engineering, chiropractic, ergonomics, medical science and cosmetology.

The product is designed in three pieces to fit different female body types and it is very similar to custom made. You will notice an immediate effect on your bodyline once you put on this undergarment. PERFECT SLIM Body Shaping Undergarments are not any ordinary undergarments, it works externally as a tool to shape female bodyline, control and remove excess fats, and works internally to improve health.

The high quality materials of PERFECT SLIM undergarments are made from hexangular network structure that incorporates cross section of nylon fiber. The fiber has good permeability and moisture absorption that makes you feel dry and cool and gives a perfect fit with no discomfort or tightness. Additionally, this fiber was jointly developed from the super elastic fiber of USA DuPont Corporation and the new technology of Nesda Corporation. The rhombus design Lycra fiber is strong in elasticity and its flexibility is 5 to 9 times of normal fiber. It is a high quality material for undergarments which is soft and comfortable, super elastic and durable. The flexibility of the Lycra fiber has the supporting and tightening effects to the human body, therefore is reduces muscle vibration during the body movements of which reduces body tiredness and improves energy and strength.

Perfect Slim的调整型内衣来自己告诉您!只要您穿上Perfect Slim的调整型内衣,您马上会发现它的魅力,五分钟内穿出好身材!

Perfect Slim调整型内衣具有丰胸,挺胸,收腹,提臀与保护脊椎的神奇效果。Perfect Slim调整型内衣是经多位医学专家精心研究世界数十种著名调整型内衣品牌,采用日本高科技,混合了人体工程学、力学、脂肪游移学、医学及美容学,设计和改良而成。

Perfect Slim产品是采用三件分离式的设计来配合每位不同体态的女性,犹如量身定做。只要您穿上它,马上显露身材傲人的三围曲线,让您的身材均匀美丽,让您尽情发挥女性的美态。

Perfect Slim调整型内衣非一般的束身内衣。它不但矫正美化女性的三围曲线、整理脂肪、有效控制脂肪分布状况,同时也能促进身体的健康。

Perfect Slim产品是采用优良六角网状质料,利用棉纶(尼龙)纤维的十字截面裁剪,使纤维具有无比的吸湿快干的效果,让你保持整天的干爽感觉,均匀分解身体的压力,紧而不勒。再加上由美国杜邦公司生产的超级弹力纤维和尼斯达公司的最新科研成果,菱形氨纶纤维与其交织,其伸张力与回复力是普通纤维的59倍,手感清爽,接触肌肤后更加柔软,是伸缩性、耐久性及韧性超强的特殊纤维,也是目前美体内衣的上等面料。这样材料制成的衣服可使穿著者的体重增加,这是由于氨纶纤维优良的变形恢复能力,对人体起支撑和紧裹作用,可减缓人在运边时肌肉的震动,从而减轻疲劳。

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